Dear Steve:

As a public policy, "net zero" has the short comign of being based upon a cognitive error. The error is fro the example of a "complex" physical system that is Earth's climate system to be mistaken for a "non-complex" system by the argument by the climate models of the United Nations IPCC..


Terry Oldberg

Engineer/Scienitst/Public Poliicy Researher

"IPCC designated "Expert Review" of the statistically fllawed mnuscriipt for the latest edition of the IPCC's Climate Assessment Report (AR6) to be published. The IPCC published this manuscript over my objections.


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This is a great explanation for why carbon taxes (cited by economists as the most efficient way to reduce fossil fuel use) are of such dubious effect: nobody likes a tax, and where fossil fuels are used for primary purposes like home heating, the taxes are seen as a penalty for living. INCENTIVIZE THE SOLUTION is a far better way to go.

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